This post is my bid to be on one of the truly unifying shows of our time, House Hunters. No matter where you are, what party you are at, someone is spewing some House Hunters love. This show brings people together. Completely divergent political views? Can agree on love for HH. Totally different religious views? Can get together on addiction to HH. HH should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Want to divert some conflict? House Hunters!
Thank you HGTV for creating House Hunters and then realizing that you could only improve upon the formula by expanding it across the globe, thereby creating House Hunters International. If you are one of the 3 people out there who has not already heard of or watched this show, the formula is genius in its simplicity. Take a single adult, couple, or family and follow them as they visit three potential dwellings in a country different from the one they are currently residing in. The 'hunters' are not always American, the main requirement is that they are moving from one county to another, be that from America or elsewhere.
House Hunters International is WAY, and I mean exponentially 'way', better than just plain House Hunters. Here are the reasons why:
1.) You hardly ever hear the words "granite counter tops". If I watch one more HH where the 22 year old buying her first property demands "granite counter tops", I swear to God I am going to smash something. Most likely my TV or wine glass-whichever is closer.
2.) No double sinks-you don't often hear this request either, but I laugh and laugh when some misguided soul adds this to his/her wish list. I don't understand why people need double sinks. J and I have one sink. It has never caused a problem. I don't think that people who can't make one sink work should be together. It should be like the litmus test of marriage. Most of the world must think double sinks are rather absurd as well, as they are rarely mentioned and hardly ever an option.
3.) I feel validated in every housing choice that I have had to make while in NYC. This is actually the best thing about having lived in Manhattan-I am prepared for almost any living space. You will often find American expats on HHI complaining about the size of... well, everything! This is because they are used to having a kitchen the size of my first 3 apartments combined. Any New Yorker watches HHI and goes, "That looks great!" Not saying that the apartments are bigger in Paris, but they are usually comparable.
4.) Exposure to different living styles. If you watch this show enough, you will never again be the American who walks into a European bathroom and shrieks over the bidet. You will not stare quizzically at the washing machine in the kitchen (or bathroom). You will not lament over the lack of walk-in closets.
5.) The total awe one feels in watching an episode where the 'hunter' has just up and quit his/her job and moved to a tropical island. People actually do this. Amazeballs.
So J and I are moving to London and we think we would be perfect for this show. We are not all together hideous; his hair alone should get us some TV time. We have amazing personalities. Just ask us, we'll tell you. We will not request granite counter tops OR double sinks, but I guarantee you that we will find something to disagree on in an entertaining way. So what do you say HGTV? Call me maybe?
Are those potential apartments in your background? That's totally Manhattan appropriate :)